Floor eggs have a very negative impact on production performance and chick quality. Floor eggs must be considered second grade eggs, as they have an increased risk of bacterial contamination. The prevention of floor eggs is therefore important.
House and nest design and management procedures have a big impact on the occurence of floor eggs. Birds should be able to find the nests easily and enter the nest without obstruction.
- Make sure there is enough nesting space. 5-6 birds per individual nest box, 35-40 birds per meter length of community nest. In hot climates, increase the nesting space with 10%.
- do not obstruct the entrance of the nest. Especially when drinkers with a low capacity are used and placed in front of the nest, the drinking birds can obstruct the entrance to the nest.
- Nests are normally placed elevated, or on top of slats. Do not make the height too high that birds have to jump with a lot of effort, as some of the heavy birds can have a problem later on. A maximum jumping height of 40 cm should be provided.
- Have the lights evenly distributed throughout the house to avoid dark spots in the house that can invite the birds to use it as nesting area
- Avoid thick packs of litter, as it will be easier for the birds to recognise the litter as a nesting area.
- Avoid quiet, protected places in the house, where birds can find an enclosed area to produce the eggs
- Eggs are normally produced mainly in the first half of the light period. Try to avoid feeding the birds in this period, as they will have to choose between using the nest and eating.